comptage clients
Compteur clients
Discover our various customer counting systems.
People counting
Your data can be transferred and accessed on our KET COUNTER website.

Our people counting systems

The number one technology in France that allows you to achieve excellent levels of accuracy in the analysis of people flows. Our technologies allow you to detect the direction of passage.
The KET experts offer you different types of counting systems depending on the environment, installation constraints and your needs.

We have 2 types of counting : horizontal detection counting and vertical detection counting

People counting by horizontal detection

This type of counting is a system that allows you to access clear and precise data on the number of customers entering and/or leaving your shop. This data allows you to analyse your sales and marketing efforts and thus evaluate your influence on the customer. Moreover, this type of counting exists in two versions: wired and wifi. The wifi version is ideal to have information in real time because it allows you to opt for the “shop frequentation” option and thus know the number of customers present on your site. This solution differs from the wired system because it allows you to calculate the number of customers present in real time in your shop.

What are the benefits of this solution?

  • To know the number of entries according to the time slots
  • Compare data between different days, months, years or points of sale, if you have several sites equipped with our solution
  • Compare the number of people counted and the sales made to get your conversion rate
  • Measuring the differences in entries during promotional periods or seasonal changes
  • Measuring and improving the impact of marketing campaigns
  • Have data updated in real time (wifi) or every 15 minutes (wired)

In option :

  • Management of the number of outgoing clients (wifi version)
  • Real-time shop traffic (wifi version)
Compteur avec gestion du nombre de clients en magasin
Comptage par caméra 3D
Visualisation donnée de comptage vertical

People counting by vertical detection

Our 3D sensor system allows for 99% accurate counting by vertical detection. As required by the regulations, our 3D sensors comply with the RGPD standards. This solution is dedicated to counting areas where the flow of customers is very dense or where lateral detection is not possible.

What are the advantages of a sensor solution?

  • Know the influence of the shop in real time
  • Know the times when your customers come and go to optimise the presence of your staff
  • Keeping a history for data analysis
  • Ability to exclude staff

In option :

  • Additional data (size, gender, analysis of mask and non-mask clients)
  • Outgoing customer management possible
  • Shop traffic in real time.

Who is this type of sensor for?

  • Shopping centres
  • Supermarket and hypermarket
  • Airport
  • Point of sale with large entrance doors and high footfall

Why choose KET?

icone expérience entreprise KET

20 years of

icone plateforme transfert de données KET

A unique

icone clients KET en France

More than 4,000
customers in Europe

icone service clients KET

High quality
customer service

Solutions for all!

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