Solution interactive
Solution interactive
With our application, your customers interact directly
with the product of their choice.
Interactive Solution
Revitalize your listening aisles

Our listening solutions

Our listening solutions will allow you to demonstrate various products, such as speakers, headphones, soundbars, or home theater systems. These different solutions are set up in various retail points to enable customers to test the products before purchase. These user-friendly systems allow customers to switch from one product to another with just one click.

Headphones and Speakers

Revitalize your retail spaces and enhance attractiveness with KET’s shelf speaker security and management solution.

Our solution enables you to showcase your products so that customers can safely test headphones or speakers of their choice using their smartphones. The hands-on experience with the products significantly boosts your sales.

sécurisation et solution pour enceintes


Make your in-store section more appealing with our soundbar listening solution.

For this KET solution, we’ve designed a device that allows customers to test soundbars using a tablet application. This application includes a wide selection of music for testing purposes. Various functions are also available, such as volume control.


Our solution for auditoriums closely resembles our soundbar device with a few key differences. Our tablet application, specially designed for auditoriums, is connected to a screen. This application offers various sources such as movies, video clips, concerts, and more.

Using KET technology allows your potential customers the opportunity to test their home cinema setup before making a purchase.

What are your advantages ?

Attracting new customers

Interacting with your customer safely

Creating an ambiance in your retail space

Increasing sales and revenue